5 Questions You Should Ask Your Dentist at Your Next Checkup

May 30, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avantdentistry @ 3:55 pm
Dentist and patient talking in dental office

Be honest… Do you usually try to get through your biannual dental visits as quickly as possible? If so, you may miss out on some helpful information that could benefit your oral and overall health! To prevent that from happening, keep reading to learn a few questions you should ask your dentist at your next visit.

1. Do I Need to Make Any Changes to My Dental Care Regimen?

Like most patients, you may go on autopilot when it comes time to brush and floss your teeth. This is good news if you have healthy habits in place, like brushing for a full two minutes each time. But what if you don’t? That’s why it’s worth asking your dental team if you need to make any changes to your dental care regimen based on what they saw during your checkup and cleaning.

2. How Can I Prevent Oral Health Problems from Developing?

It’s currently estimated that roughly 50% of American adults have gum disease. Plus, more than 90% have had a cavity by their 21st birthday. So, it’s safe to say that making a proactive effort to prevent oral health problems from developing is a priority! Your dentist and dental hygienists are great resources, and they can provide you with tips specific to your unique dental history and needs.

3. Should I Be Using Any Specific Oral Hygiene Products?

Oftentimes, patients just buy the same toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss that they always reach for. However, your oral health may benefit from specific products, like an electric toothbrush, desensitizing toothpaste, or a water flosser. In addition to providing their recommendations, your dentist can give you helpful tips on how to use them so there isn’t much of a learning curve!

4. Is There Anything I Should Talk to My PCP About?

Remember, your oral health has the potential to impact your overall health. For that reason, it’s important to ask your dentist if there is anything you should bring to your primary care provider’s attention. Depending on what they found during your exam, they may recommend talking to your doctor about your diet, certain medications you’re taking, or your risk of oral cancer.

5. When Should I Schedule My Next Appointment?

Patients often assume that coming in for a dental checkup and teeth cleaning twice a year suffices. However, your dentist may recommend coming in more frequently if your teeth are prone to decay or the infection in your gums is still being managed. So, it’s definitely worth taking the time to ask – the answer may surprise you!

About the Practice

Since a confident, healthy, and functional smile starts with essential preventive care, routine dental checkups and teeth cleanings are very important to our team at Avant Dentistry. That said, we know that patients don’t always look forward to these visits, which is why we aim to do things a bit differently. That includes creating a relaxing environment, utilizing the latest dental technology, and offering multiple financial solutions. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, then visit our website or call (240) 332-1599.

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